Friday, January 6, 2012

"Male" vs "Female" Roles in Relationships: A Comparison Between Homosexual and Heterosexual Couples

Males vs Females

Does your significant other just not understand your point of view?  Heterosexual couples often complain about each other, saying things like, "he's a man" or "that's a woman for you".  It seems like people seem to think that men and women fit into stereotypical categories.  But what about homosexual couples?  Do the roles in a homosexual relationship fit into the classic "male" and "female" stereotypes, or are there all new categories which describe how the sexes get along within a homosexual relationship?  I'm interested in hearing your thoughts and experiences.  I'm planning to complete some research and write a book on the subject.  Thank you very much!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, if you aren't interested in discussing homosexual couples, we can discuss heterosexual ones. I am very interested in roles within relationships. I'm hoping to determine if people are guided more by stereotypes than by reality. I'm interested in how that plays out in any kind of relationship. Anyone care to comment on their own personal experience or opinion? I've very interested in what you have to say. Thank you.
