Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Do Women Need Bad Guys?

Okay is this really what is needed, women to "experience" a bad guy so she knows what a good guy really is?  Or is this license for bad guys to be bad, their rationalization and justification for being bad?  Please.  I think most women are intelligent enough to get when a man is good to her or bad to her.  I don't think you need to have the comparison to get that.  Am I wrong, ladies?  Please feel free to comment!



Friday, November 21, 2014

Tired Of All The Sacrifices With No Gain?

Do you think this is true?  In some ways, I think it may be.  I know I personally feel like I give and give and give, and I feel I have nothing left in me.  But I don't really feel like that in any kind of personal relationship that I have, at least not with people who are closest with me.  The exception would be this one creepy girl at work who is only out to shine a light on herself.  But that's another story.  I feel that the relationships in which I am giving my all for the other person, generally I am getting at least something back, if not half, if not more.  I think for me it is more my life in general, it's my status (or lack there of) that is what is impacting me.  I work my tail off, I always have.  You work, and you work, and you work, and yet you get further and further behind.  So in that way, I feel like I give my all and get nothing in return.  But I'm not sure I have that same feeling about my personal relationships.  What about you?  Have you experienced this?  Does it seem dependent on gender, or are we pretty equal in that department, as the quote indicates?  I'd love to hear what you think!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Can You Cope?

Okay, what do you think of this quote?  Do you agree?  Disagree?  I was never a huge Willard Scott fan.  It's nothing personal, I just think his enthusiasm rubbed me the wrong way and came across as phony to me.  But he was always nice with the centenarians.

So what do you think?  Can women cope better than men or vice verse?  Does it depend on the situation, and if so, do you have particular situations in mind?  I'd love to hear what you think!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Oscar Wilde's View on Gender Differences

What do you think about this quote?  I don't think it is accurate.  I've seen instances of both by either gender.  Perhaps it is an outdated quote.  What do you think?


Saturday, November 15, 2014

Are You Sick?

I think I may have posted this one before.  What do you think?  Are women better at handling being sick than men?  Are men babies about being sick?  I've heard that many times before.  I know some men who are babies, but some who are not.  I know some women who are babies about it, too.  What do you think?


Friday, November 7, 2014

Love and Gender

I agree that women seem to love with everything they are, at least that is what I have witnessed in my life.  But I think this is not giving men enough credit at all.  What do you think?


Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Importance of Age and Birthdays

I know men who will kill you if you forget their birthdays, but I don't think I know any who are too sensitive about you asking their age.  What do you think?


Monday, November 3, 2014

Are Independent Women Attractive?

Are independent women more attractive to a man that women who are not?  Guys, please feel free to chime in here.  What kind of woman do you find attractive?


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Don't Be Disappointed

I guess we all need to be more flexible and understanding when it comes to the other.

Woman Marry Men Hoping They Will Change


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Do Women Suffer From Chronic Pain More Than Men?

Yes, but aren't women more likely to admit they feel pain than men?  Don't men tend to keep it to themselves?  They don't want to appear weak or otherwise inadequate.  Doesn't that go against everything that men are told they are supposed to be?

(Enlarge Slide)
