Sunday, September 28, 2014

Do You Love Me?

This picture says a lot.  Women want to hear it.  They want to be told again and again how their man loves them.  Guys can't be bothered.  Yeah, I told you already, why do I need to tell you again?  Classic.

funny old age love


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Poll - Can't Sleep

Is this a quote made by a man or a woman?  What is your opinion?  Comment to vote.  Thank you!

Some people don't sleep because they have insomnia. I can't sleep because I have an Internet connection.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

To Stay Or Not To Stay

What would your choice be (or have been)?  I always wanted to stay at home full-time, and only went to work because I had to.  Not everyone feels that way (in fact, it looks like most don't feel that way).  What do you think?


Monday, September 22, 2014

He Said, She Said

So I guess the Ravens came out with a big statement over their part of this whole Ray Rice scandal.  And what a scandal it is, too.  What are your thoughts on it?  I have heard some people down talk his wife, who was his girl friend at the time.  Some people think she was nuts to stick with him, and some have even said that she is in the relationship for his money.  Sick if true.  I've heard a lot of comments about how she had started the whole brawl in the elevator too.  Believe it or not, I have actually not watched the video.  I think it is ridiculous for men and women to be hitting each other, spitting on each other, and what not.  And absolutely I think it is wrong for a man with superior physical strength to punch and knock out a woman, even if she started it.  Of course I think she was wrong to start it, but I don't think that he should taken it to the next level.  What a horrible situation all the way around.  I would love to hear your comments and thoughts on the whole thing.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Men vs Women: Packing

Wow this seems to be so true.  Never in my life have a seen a girl (especially a mom) not ultra plan out the whole packing thing.  And never in my life have I seen a guy take any time at all to pack.  What is the deal with that?  Is it that men really are just that easy going?  Are women really that analytical?  What do you think?

Funny Facts About Men VS Women 01 - Strange Or What


Thursday, September 11, 2014

"Oh, for heaven's sake, NFL, just take him back already. You know you want to."

Vanaski: Of Rice and Men: NFL fails

Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014, 10:42 p.m.Updated 23 hours ago

Oh, for heaven's sake, NFL, just take him back already. You know you want to.
You know as well as I do that Ray Rice's indefinite ban from the game is indefinite only because you don't know how long it will take for this PR disaster to die down enough so you can reinstate him.
Because if the league cared about doing the right thing, you would have done it after Rice was arrested for domestic violence in February. You wouldn't have needed to see a video of something you knew had happened in order to display shock.
If there's any doubt about that, consider the latest reports that the NFL could have seen this video back in April but opted not to do so.
Ray Rice is a good football player. And for Baltimore Ravens and NFL officials, that matters more than being a criminal.
If the NFL was ever interested in doing the right thing, would Ben Roethlisberger have been allowed to talk himself out of a longer suspension for violating the league's personal conduct code back in 2010? He was accused — but never criminally charged — of raping a young woman in Georgia and was given a six-game suspension.
So which is it: did he deserve to be punished by the NFL or not? If he did, he shouldn't have been able to whittle down his penalty to four games after a heart-to-heart with Roger Goodell, the league commissioner.
Let's face reality. If a player is accused of a crime, the NFL welcomes him back as long as he's not in jail. So do sports fans.
Before the video's release, Baltimore fans were still supporting a guy who knocked his girlfriend unconscious and then dragged her out of an elevator like a sack of potatoes. These fans surely must know that if they were accused of doing what Rice did, they'd still be in jail awaiting trial. They would lose their jobs immediately and be ostracized by their neighbors.
But Rice, despite injury last year, still ran for 660 yards and four touchdowns. In 2012, when the Ravens won the Super Bowl, he scored nine TDs and ran for 1,143 yards, so that explains it.
Why don't these athletic organizations hold players to higher standards? That's because this is what many athletes are used to, and it starts early. It starts when the bar is academically lowered. Did you know that you need only a 2.0 GPA to play sports in Pittsburgh Public Schools? That's the equivalent of a C-minus.
Have you ever tried to feed a toddler who didn't want to eat? After 20 minutes of trying every trick in the book, you bargain with them. “Listen,” you say, “just eat these two bites, and that's it.” How much will that child eat? The minimum required, that's how much.
We don't expect a lot from athletes beyond production in their sport. And that sometimes is just what we get.
Nafari Vanaski is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. She can be reached at 412-856-7400, ext. 8669, or on Twitter @NafariTrib.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Males vs Females: Criminality

I suppose my recent viewings of the AMC TV show "Breaking Bad" have gotten me to be thinking about crime.  So for the purposes of this blog, I started thinking about gender differences and crime.  Although historically it seems that men commit more crimes than women, it seems to me that there are more and more women partaking in crimes.  Perhaps it is just that more attention is being paid to crimes involving women since they are less common.  But I personally think it may have to do with changing social roles.  This article I found is about those type of roles, but really with a focus from generations past.  I wonder if some changes we have seen in our society is leading to an increase in female perpetrators.  It makes me wonder.


Who Commits Crime?

Statistics indicate that men are more likely to commit crime than women. For example, in 2002 80% of known offenders (481,000+) were men. As there are a number of problems with the reliability and validity of statistics, an alternative to information are self-report studies. These are anonymous and some believe because they all but guarantee anonymity they encourage respondents to be more truthful than if they were involved in an interview. In the past, sociologists tended to pay attention to only males committing crimes and ignored gender differences. This began to change in the 1970’s when feminists such as Carol Smart looked into woman and crime ...


Sex role theory: this theory argues that boys and girls are socialized differently, therefore resulting in boys becoming more delinquent. There are different versions of this theory. Edwin Sutherland (1949) stated that there are clear gender differences when it comes to socialization. Firstly, girls are more supervised and more strictly controlled. Secondly, boys are encouraged to take risks and to be tough and aggressive. Therefore, boys have more of an opportunity and an inclination to commit crime. Talcott Parsons (1995) believes that there are clear and obvious gender roles within the nuclear family. The father performs roles which show him to be more of the leader and provider, whilst the mother performs the expressive role of giving emotional support and socializing children. These roles are rooted from the birth of their children as mothers have to give birth and nurse children.

Girls have a readily available female role model at home (their mother) whereas boys have less access to their male role model as traditionally the father was out at work for most of the time. Boys will be socialized largely by their mother and will tend to reject behavior that is seen as feminine as they compulsively pursue masculinity. Because of the emphasis on toughness and aggression this encourages anti-social behavior and delinquency. Albert Cohen (1955) believed that if boys don’t have that readily available role model, socialization can be a difficult process. Boys can experience anxiety about their identity as a young man and a solution for this is all male peer groups or street gangs. In these social contexts, aspects of masculinity can be expressed and rewarded. The idea of being tough and breaking rules can help to conform to the idea of masculinity.


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Gay or Straight

Maybe we need straight women to marry gay men, then just have the straight men father the kids.  My goodness, the emotional match between a straight female and a gay male is tough to beat!  I'm sure straight women dream of having the same emotional connectedness with their straight partners!

Why Straight Women Are Attracted to Gay Men

Straight women get from gay men what they don't get from straight men.
Similarly, the friendship of gay men offers something different than the companionship of straight men. Even when you remove the sexual element between a straight woman and straight man, the straight man is far more confined to embody a role as the strong, not overly emotional man. Meanwhile, gay men have the social license to be as outrageous or emotional as they want to be because gay men don't have to fit into such a tightly prescribed role.

Friday, September 5, 2014

GI Jane and Joe Mama

So according to this study, straight women and gay men are similar (at least brain-wise), and straight men and lesbian women are similar.  I find that incredibly fascinating.  So in a way, straight women are like gay men, and straight men are like lesbian women.  Very interesting.

Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains

James Owen
for National Geographic News
June 16, 2008

Gay peoples' brains share similar characteristics to those of the opposite sex, a new study says.
Researchers found resemblances in the brain's physical structure and size as well as the strength of neural connections among gay people and straight people of the opposite sex.

In some ways the brains of straight men and lesbians are on similar wavelengths, the research suggests. Likewise, gay men and straight women appear to have similar brains, in some respects. The findings are new evidence that homosexuals may be born with a predisposition to be gay.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Women Love NFL Football Too

I know a lot of women who love NFL football and who have been avid fans for years.  They often express their disappointment and sometimes even their anger over how the NFL and related media consistently fails to acknowledge them.  Let's face it, football is not a guys only sport.  Women love it too.  And I do not know of any women who like the cute little girly pink jerseys and what not.  They like the real thing, just like the guys.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tell It Like It Is . . . Or Don't

I read this article and found it to be very interesting.  Some of it is definitely stereotypical.  If I look at this honestly, I myself fall into both camps, so the stereotypes definitely do not fit exactly for everyone.  But it still seems to hold true for some people.  The article says that men are succinct and to the point, they say it like it is.  It also says that women are essentially the opposite, they kind of skirt all over the issue and make interpretations, anything but straight and to the point.

Where do you see yourself in this comparison?  Do you tend toward the male side or the female side?  Or both, depending on the situation?


Motivation Skills of Women vs Men

Men vs Women
Let's take a stereotypical look at men vs. women in the workplace:
  • Men tend to like power, control and strength.
  • Women are more emotionally driven.
  • A man tends to jump in when he comes face to face with an issue and take over. He will deal with it then and there and get it over with.
  • A woman ask questions first, make sure she understands the task, and then completes it to perfection.
  • Men like to work alone.
  • Women prefer to help each other.

Giving Information

Men and women share information differently.


Men tend to say exactly what they mean. If a man wants steak for dinner, he says, "I want steak." If he doesn't care one way or another, he'll tell you, "Do it how you feel looks best." When a man thinks a dress is OK, he'll tell you, "That dress is fine." Now this may seem simple, but to most women, who share information differently, it can be very confusing. To a woman, "fine" means not great.


Women like to "sugar-coat" information. When a woman tells you something, you often have to read between the lines. For example, if she wants chicken but she knows you want a steak, she'll tell you "Steak or chicken is fine. If you really want steak, we can have steak, but I can make chicken." If she tells you "Do it how you feel is best," she still wants you to ask her opinion before submitting your work.
When a woman sees an ugly dress, she will talk around it in, "That is an original looking dress." If she says "fine," her friend knows it is not the best choice in dress.

Interpreting Information

Males and females interpret information differently. Many books have been written to help couples get over this different planet mentality. Gaining an understanding of these differences can also help you motivate employees in the workplace.


Men hear what you say, and take it for face value. They will not read between the lines. If you say, "Let's go watch a movie. I'd like to see the movie that won the awards, but it doesn't matter." They think, "Great! Let's go see that new horror movie."
If you tell them something doesn't matter, then they move on. To them, the situation is over.


Women however read between the lines. This is what frustrates men. Men tell you what they want, and a woman will try to interpret the information. If you tell a woman she "looks nice," she may agonize over the definition of "nice."