Friday, June 20, 2014

Gender Melting Pot

Are the traditional roles of fathers and mothers really changing?  I've seen some indications that today's fathers are more involved in domestic responsibilities.  They also seem to be more in tune with their families in all areas, including in more stereotypically female ways, like with the area of emotions.  Females have always been the ones considered to be more involved with emotions, and with caring and sharing.  Lately I have seen indications that males are starting to adopt some of those characteristics.  Conversely, it seems that women are starting to take on some of the more predominantly male traits, stereotypical though they may be.  Could it be that when women pushed out into the work force, they started to adopt stereotypical behaviors of male mentors?  And with men who have become a more integral part of the home and family in conjunction with their female partners, could it be that these men have started to adopt more traditionally female mannerisms from their female mentors?  Are the roles of men and women starting to overlap so much that the distinctions between them are disappearing?  Are we becoming a gender melting pot?

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